Happy and Healthy Winter
We are half way through November and the vivid nip in the air has set the stage for a full blown cold winter season soon.
While winter is evidently loved by many, the cold weather can also take a toll on your health. Cold, fever, flu, asthma, body ache, stiffness and all sorts of infections are some of the problems people face in winter. Of course, there are numerous ways to treat them or cure them, but why wait for the problem when it can easily be avoided?
As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure, following tips helps to remain healthy and enjoy the winter season to the fullest.
Always keep a hand sanitizer handy whether you are at home or not. With so many infections in the air, you’ll need to maintain your hygiene and avoid contact with infected people and places like public restrooms, etc.
Strengthen immune system:
Nutritious food is always a lifesaver. Consume foods, fruits and vegetables that are rich in nutrients, vitamin C and zinc content like citrus fruits, garlic, etc., strengthen immune system in order to fight diseases.
Sweat it out:
Generally, food intake increases in winters than any other time of the year. Winter exercises not only help to remain healthy, but also improve metabolism, maintain body weight, and increased blood flow helps in winter dryness related skin problems, while also keeping body warm. Keep yourself well hydrated.
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Fruit Diet for Diabetics
November 14, is observed as World Diabetes Day,
Diabetes is one of the most dreaded offshoots of the modern and hectic lifestyles.
Fruits play a major role in helping a diabetes patient’s condition from worsening. While there is no such thing as ‘bad fruit’, or ‘good fruit’ diabetics do have to be careful and maintain moderation.
Fruits that are high in glycemic index are to be consumed as less as possible and those with a low glycemic index can be eaten regularly.
Amla contain a good source of chromium which shows positive effects on the pancreas, where insulin is produced
Apple is a hypoglycemic fruit which contains plenty of fiber and Pectin that has the capability of reducing blood sugar levels and the requirement of insulin in the body by almost 50%.
Berries increase the release of insulin and coverts glucose into energy, which reduces the increased glucose levels by a considerable amount. Thus, regulating glucose levels in the body
Guava is hypoglycemic fruit very rich in dietary fiber, high in vitamin A and vitamin C that helps in constipation and can lower the chance of developing type-2 diabetes.
Jamun has low glycemic index and its leaves has anti-diabetic properties which are good for diabetic patients. It reduces the symptoms of diabetes like frequent urination and thrust
The glycemic load of an orange is about 5, a low number that indicates that only small rise in blood glucose. Be cautious don’t consume orange juice.
Natural antioxidants in papaya can obstruct cell damage, as diabetics are prone to many ailments, like heart or nerve damage, makes it a great choice for diabetics.
Pomegranate contains the richest combination of antioxidants, which helps in protecting from free-radicals and chronic diseases also helps in reducing bad cholesterol.
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Alternative Therapy for Allergy
Dr. William E. Berger of the American College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology have reported that nearly a third of allergy patients think their medications don’t work. Plus, pharmaceutical remedies are often expensive and frequently come with unwanted side effects, such as drowsiness, nasal irritation, impair driving ability and cause a mental disconnects. Natural treatments are used to support and improve allergic symptoms.
Bioflavonoids – Bioflavonoids are natural anti-allergenic.
Bromelain and Multivitamins –Like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E may enhance the action of bioflavonoids.
Flaxseed oil, Probiotics and Zinc may help to increase body resistance.
Some of the herbs used to treat allergic symptoms are as follows:
Angelica sinensis also known as “female ginseng Used as an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory.
Euphrasia officinalis also known as Eye bright reduces congestion and secretions. It is good for itchy eyes, sneezing, and excess mucus.
Gingko biloba Contains bioflavonoids and is used as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
Silybum marianum Helps reduce allergic, inflammatory, and histaminic reactions and supports liver function.
Trifolium pratense Helps to build the body’s resistance to allergies.
Urtica dioica may be used as an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory.
Achillea millefolium Reduces congestion and secretions.
Tinospora cordifolia is known as “Guduchi” can reduce allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and nasal discharge.
The following remedies have been shown to be effective in acute, symptomatic relief of allergies if it is prescribed as per the practicing doctor:
Allium cepa, Euphrasia, Aconite, Nat. sulph. Nat. mur, Nux. vom, Wyethia, etc.
- Castor Oil Packs
- Constitutional Hydrotherapy
- Cold cloth to the forehead
- Hot foot baths
- Nasal lavage

The word “allergy” was first used by Clemens von Pirquet in 1906. Allergy, also known as allergic diseases, are a number of conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system or It is an overaggressive immune response triggered by ingesting certain foods, touching certain substances, or inhaling an irritant such as pollen or animal dander or something in the environment that usually causes little or no problem in most people.
Allergies are the sixth most common cause of chronic illness in the United States, with an annual cost of more than $18 billion. As many as one in five Americans (about 50 million) have some type of allergy, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. Allergies are common.in the developed world, about 20% of people are affected by allergic rhinitis about 6% of people have at least one food allergy, and about 20% have atopic dermatitis at some point in time. Depending on the country about 1–18% of people have asthma. Anaphylaxis occurs in between 0.05–2% of people Rates of many allergic diseases appear to be increasing. The prevalence of food and skin allergies in children has increased in recent years, but experts aren’t sure why. Food allergies affect about 1 in every 13 American kids, according to FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education). Each year, allergic reactions account for about two million missed school days.
THE MOST COMMON ALLERGENS: Allergies happen when your immune system overreacts to substances called allergens.
Pollen Dust mites * Pet dander or fur * Cockroaches Mold spores * Foods (eggs, fish, milk, nuts, wheat, soy, shellfish, and others) * Insect stings or bites (from wasps, bees, mosquitoes, fire ants, fleas, horseflies, black flies, and others) * Medicines (penicillin, aspirin, and others) * Latex * Household chemicals * Metals (especially nickel, cobalt, chromium, and zinc)
Symptoms of a food allergy may include:
*Tingling in the mouth * Swelling of the lips, tongue, face, or throat * Hives * Stomachache * Anaphylaxis (a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction)
An insect sting allergy may cause:
** A large area of swelling at the site of the sting * Wheezing, cough, chest tightness, or shortness of breath * Itching or hives all over your body
A reaction to medications may lead to:
* Itchy skin * Hives (small red spots especially on the chest, back, or abdomen) or other rashes * Facial swelling * Wheezing
Airborne allergies can cause:
Allergic rhinitis (hay fever), which is characterized by: * Sneezing * Runny, stuffy nose * Watery, red, or swollen eyes * Coughing * Itching of the nose, eyes
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Diabetes and Diet
Diabetes mellitus (or diabetes) is a silent but serious chronic, lifelong medical condition that affects your body’s ability to use the energy found in food. There are three major types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes, type 2diabetes, and gestational diabetes.
Diabetes is a disease of the pancreas, an organ behind your stomach that produces the hormone insulin, secreted by Beta cells of islets of Langerhans in Pancreas and regularizes the blood sugar level in body. Insulin helps the body use food for energy. To keep body functions running smoothly, each and every cell including red blood cell and brain cell, depend on glucose as source of energy .In normal health condition, about 90-100 mg. /dl. Of blood sugar level is required and maintained by the hormonal cycle.
All types of diabetes mellitus have something in common. Normally, your body breaks down the sugars and carbohydrates you eat into a special sugar called glucose. Glucose fuels the cells in your body. But the cells need insulin, a hormone, in your bloodstream in order to take in the glucose and use it for energy.
When a person has diabetes, the pancreas either cannot produce enough insulin, uses the insulin incorrectly, or both. Insulin works together with glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream to help it enter the body’s cells to be burned for energy. If the insulin isn’t functioning properly, glucose cannot enter the cells. This causes glucose levels in the blood to rise, creating a condition of high blood sugar or diabetes, and leaving the cells without fuel.
While healthy body requires a minimum concentration of circulating blood sugar level, higher level (hyper glycaemia) causes various health problems. It is observed that blood sugar level above 300mg. /dl may causes polyuria, dehydration and decreased blood sodium level, above 500mg. /dl. May leads to confusion, cerebral edema, coma and eventually death (Ferrante, 2007). Persistently higher level (>130mg. /dl) gradually damages tissues and make more susceptible to infection, increases blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides level, increases body weight (obesity) and other complications.
Word “Diets’ is associated and lies itself in the word “Di ab et e s” to know the importance of diabetic diets let’s understand some simple basics of diabetes. Blood sugar level is replenished by the digested carbohydrates eaten in meal. To manage and to prevent diabetic complications, along with the prescribed medical treatment, a healthy life style and balanced meal plan make big difference. By making some simple modifications and adopting a tasty balanced diet plan, one can maintain healthy blood sugar level without feeling hungry or deprived. American Diabetes Association recommends typically designed diabetics diets should contains balance of fat, carbohydrate and proteins vitamins, fibers, antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids. Unprocessed foods made of whole grains, beans, dark green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and berries, row nuts, olive oils, fish oils, whole milk dairy unsweetened yogurt, eggs, fish, unprocessed meat etc. may be ideal diets.
Diabetes may be said to be ‘Mother of Diseases’ as it give rise to number of complications or diseases. Since the cells can’t take in the glucose, it builds up in your blood. High levels of blood can damage the tiny blood vessels in your kidneys, heart, eyes, or nervous. That’s why diabetes — especially if left untreated — can eventually cause heart disease, stroke, kidney, blindness, and nerve damage to nerves in the feet. Hence it is advisable that do not nourish diabetes by consuming more deep fried, processed junk foods, fast foods with added sugar, sweets, chips, desserts etc. But flourish your health increasing mood, energy and sense of wellbeing by adopting healthy food style by replacing refined pasta, bread by whole wheat-cereals pasta or bread, refined rice by brown rice, white potatoes by sweet potatoes and other planned low calorie diabetic diets.

Arthritis and Yoga Practice
In yoga, we care for joints to reduce stiffness, improve blood circulation and reduce fluid retention, strengthen muscles, nerves, and improve the joint by improving lubrications. Yoga also helps to improve deep sleep pattern.
Yoga module techniques are from the subtle yoga or simple yoga. Practice can be done on chair and hence it is called as chair yoga, practice is unique and simple but most effective.
CHAIR YOGA (Repeat each step for 5-10 times)
Step 1: Keep hands front- move wrist up & down and relax.
Step 2: Keep hand front with fingers wide open-move wrist up & down and relax.
Step 3: Keep hands front–make fist-move wrist up & down and relax.
Step 4: Keep hands front-make fist-rotate wrist slowly clockwise and later on counter wise and relax.
Step 5: Keep hands front than tap shoulder from front and relax.
Step 6: Keep hands on sides than tap shoulder from sides and relax.
Step 7: Keep hands on top than tap shoulder from top and relax.
Step 8: Rotate hands slowly clockwise and relax.
Step 9: Rotate hands slowly counter clockwise and relax.
Step 1: Sit straight with both your upper limbs straight in front keeping fingers straight and touching each
other and palms facing down.
Step 2: Now take deep inhalation and dorsiflex your hand at 90’ degree and Count 1 to 5 and then relax the hand and exhale out breath. Take 5 deep breathings.
Step 3: Take deep inspiration (inhalation) and this time palmer flexion of hand at 90• (or up to possible Degree) and count 1 to 5 and then relax the hand and exhale out with deep breathing.
Step 1: Sit straight with both your upper limbs straight in front keeping fingers wide open and palms facing down.
Step 2: Now take deep inhalation and dorsiflex your hand at 90’ degree and
count 1 to 5 and then relax the hand and exhale out breath. Take 5 deep breathings.
Step 3: Take deep inspiration (inhalation) and this time palmer flexion of hand at 90• (or up to possible
degree) and count 1 to 5 and then relax the hand and exhale out breath.
Step 1: Sit straight, take deep inspiration and abduct both your upper limbs keeping elbow extended (Straight) in both sides of your body (90•abduction at shoulder and full extension of elbows) keeping fingers touching each other and palm facing up.
Step 2: Now tap both your shoulders with both palms by quick flexion of your elbows.
Do these exercise 5 times
Relax your arms keeping in resting position.
Take 5 deep breathings keeping both eyes closed for 15 seconds/counts.
Open your eyes slowly.
Step 1: Sit straight, take deep inspiration and abduct both your upper limbs keeping elbow extended (straight) in both sides of your body (180•abduction at shoulder and full extension of elbows) keeping fingers touching each other and palm facing each other.
Step 2: Now tap both your shoulders with both palms by quick flexion of your elbows.
Do these exercise 5 times.
Relax your arms keeping in resting position.
Take 5 deep breathings keeping both eyes closed for 15 seconds/counts.
Open your eyes slowly.
• Do practice slowly and do it till you can practice it easily without feeling continuous pain.
• Relax in between practice with deep breathing.
• After the practice close eye slowly and mentally feel the effects of practice with its subtle effects helping within.
• Sit (with leg stretch) in a bathtub filled with hot water with Epsom salt for 20 minutes.
• After hot water bath feel the joints free and relax. (This shows the effect of the yoga practice has started)
• Mind Matter’s—Relax mentally to make your reduce inner heat.
• Care your Stomach—Gastric & Acidity –Drink more hot/ warm water to reduce the hyper activity in the Abdomen.
• Constipation is also one course of Joint pain- Eat more Fiber food