
Alzheimer’s-Brain Awareness

June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month, a time dedicated to increasing public awareness of Alzheimer’s disease, available resources and how people can get involved to support the cause.
In the United States every 65 seconds, someone develops Alzheimer’s disease. To recognize this alarming statistic, ParamCARE Foundation encourage all to take the ‘Purple Pledge’ to support the 47 million people worldwide who are living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias

Key Facts:

  • Alzheimer’s is probably detected at the end-stage of the disease
  • Generally, memory loss is not part of the normal aging process
  • Current Alzheimer’s drugs are effective to a certain level
  • Alzheimer’s disease may be treated.
  • There are many drugs in the Alzheimer’s treatment pipeline.
  • Taking good care of heart and health will help to keep brain healthy
  • Avoiding risk factors may delay or prevent cognitive problems later in life.
  • Alzheimer’s is more than memory loss. It can appears through a variety of signs and symptoms.
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