Making Strides against Cancer
ParamCARE Foundation outreach people of various communities, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, cultural, social or economic status, to provide innovative solutions to improve health & quality of life socially, physically and mentally. We organize educational seminars on disease prevention and healthy life style, holistic approach for health, workshops on cancer awareness & screening. for the benefits of the society, ParamCARE Foundation also support the similar health related events, even if it is conducted by the other organizations,.
Recently, we participated in the Breast Cancer awareness and fund raising -5K walk event ‘Making Strides against Cancer’ organized by The American Cancer Society on Dt. 10/22/2017 at Johnson Park,1030 River Rd., Piscataway, NJ. About 3500 participants took part in an event. Ms. Patty Tapia of The American Cancer Society thanked Param Care foundation for the participation and making event successful.
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