Pancreatic Walk
The noble aims of Param CARE Foundation are to increase awareness, education, treatment and support available through the supporting organizations, to the medically underserved cancer patients. We enhance the health quality and literacy through our outreach and educational events. Param Care Foundation is always ready to involve and support, whole heartedly, in any of the noble activities related to health and education. We spread awareness and participant registration drive through our news-letters, blogs, and social media.
Param Care Foundation have done strategic partnership or association with the following governmental or the private organizations are also supported by groups of highly qualified Doctors, Paramedics, and other dedicated people like Jim Major (Councilor-Iselin, NJ.)
Various groups and organizations that support our activity are as follows:
(1) NJ Department of Health and Department of Human Services
(2) Robert wood Johnson University Hospital-Community Health Promotion Program
(3) Middlesex County Health Department and Department of Human Services
(4) American Cancer Society
(5) Rutgers’s Cancer Institute of New Jersey
(6) N.J. Healthcare talent network
(7) N.J. Edison Department of Health and Human Services
(8) Division of Aging, Department of Human Services, State of New Jersey.
Param Care Foundation participated and supported the 9th Annual Pancreatic Cancer 5k Run and Cancer Awareness Walk, on June 10, 2017, in Roosevelt Park, Edison, organized by the Office of Health Services, County of Middlesex, New Jersey.
ParamCare Foundation had been gracious enough to have a table to showcase the events, services related to programs. About 250 people were participated in Cancer Awareness Walk Event.
At the end of an event Mr. Lester Jones, Director-Middlesex County Health Officer, thanked Param Care Foundation for nonstop support for all the activities of the Middlesex County. On invitation, by the Director, Mr. Vipul Amin- President, Param Care Foundation, delivered very encouraging speech and explained about the supportive role of Ayurveda, Yoga & other alternative therapies for the treatment of Cancer & Chronic Diseases. He reminded the people about the contribution of Param Care Foundation for the service of patients suffering from cancer & other chronic disease. He also promised that Param Care Foundation shall always associate with any noble cause of Middlesex County.
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