Choose Your Cover
ParamCARE Foundation conducted the annual Choose your Cover, skin cancer awareness and screening event on 22nd June 2013 at the Clark community pool in Clark Township in partnership with Middlesex County office of Health Services – Chronic disease coalition division. The event was also co-sponsored by Union county chronic disease coalition, Cancer Institute of New Jersey and JFK Medical Center. The purpose of the event was to raise awareness in the community on skin cancer, UV protection measures and also for providing free skin cancer screening for interested participants who visited the pool on the event day. People who attended the event were provided free educational materials & DVDs, sunscreen lotions and bottled water. Apart from the younger population a large number of seniors turned up for the event and showed a lot of interest in getting screened and also on getting educated on skin cancer and UV protection measures. Our registered nurses from ParamCARE Foundation provided the skin cancer screening services for the visitors along with education on sun protection measures.
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5th Anuual Pancreatic Cancer Walk
ParamCARE foundation, as part of its mission of raising awareness on cancer and promoting healthy living strategies, co-sponsored the annual pancreatic cancer walk on 8th June, 2013 at the Roosevelt Park in Edison, New Jersey. The event is organized every year to increase awareness on the cancer and also raise funds to support pancreatic cancer research at Cancer Institute of New Jersey. Present at the event were the Mayor and Free Holder of Middlesex County, ParamCARE team members, volunteers and members of the community. More than $30,000 was raised as part of this event and the funds will be utilized for pancreatic cancer research at Cancer Institute of New Jersey. ParamCARE Foundation apart from participating in the event also provided the walkers with healthy refreshments and water. We at ParamCARE have been a part of this wonderful event every year since 2011 and will continue our efforts to reach out to more and more people of the community and spread awareness on health promotion and disease prevention.
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Emergency Preparedness Training
ParamCARE Foundation organized an Emergency Preparedness Training for healthcare professionals in collaboration with Alianza, a program of New Jersey Institute of Disabilities on 4/28/13 at its office building in Iselin, New Jersey.
At the event Mr. Yessi Cubillo, Senior Emergency Preparedness Counselor and Trainer discussed with the participants about the common barriers or circumstances that prevents a person from taking an initiative to prepare for a catastrophic disaster or other emergency. In addition he also educated the audience about how to stay prepared for an emergency by the way creating a kit with supplies and provisions for an emergency, making a proper plan about managing an emergency and identifying ways to stay informed of disasters. All the people who attended the event were given an Emergency Go Bag by Alianza along with a water proof wrist band with USB drive. An individual’s medical information can be uploaded into the USB drive and worn by them at all times to be given to first responders in case of emergency.
In addition participants were provided with a folder containing information on how to prepare an emergency go bag and also the emergency contact numbers of departments at the county and state level. More than 50 people attended the event and took advantage of the opportunity, to enhance their knowledge on emergency preparedness.

Breast Health Workshop
ParamCARE foundation organized a Breast Cancer Awareness program in Iselin, NJ in partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) – Community Health Promotion division on 24thApril 2013.The event was conducted to raise awareness among the public about breast cancer and also to provide information on resources available for free screening mammograms for people who may qualify. RWJUH Breast Care Connection Director Ms. Lynn Lutwin educated the audience about the need for Self breast Examination (SBE) and regular age appropriate screening for early detection and prevention of breast cancer. She also provided information on the incidence, risk factors and role of nutrition and physical activity on cancer prevention. The participants were also taught on how to perform self-breast exam. Our director Mr. Vipul Amin and Councilman Mr. Jim Major spoke about the importance of healthy living and regular screening for staying disease free. The need for more research participation by the public for prevention of cancers in future generations was also emphasized. The program concluded with the raffle and gift basket presentation to the winners by Ms. Mariam Merced, Director of Community Health Promotions, and RWJUH.
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Cancer Prevention Study 3 Kickoff
ParamCARE foundation organized a Cancer Prevention Study 3 (CPS 3) kickoff event in collaboration with American cancer Society at its facility in Iselin, NJ on 20th April 2013. The event was organized to inform people about the purpose of the study and also let them know about how they can be a part of it. The session started with opening remarks from the Director of ParamCARE foundation Mr. Vipul Amin, who spoke about the organization’s mission towards raising awareness on building a healthier community through simple life style and behavioral changes. He also insisted on the need and responsibility of every single member of the community to participate in studies like this conducted to understand the factors responsible for causing and preventing cancer.
Dr. Hitendra Upadhyaya, Chief of Oncology, Jersey City Medical Center enlightened the public about the importance of early detection and prevention of cancer and also about the need for more research participation, the results of which would help the future generation have a cancer free life.
The event was also graced by the presence of Iselin Councilman Mr. Jim Major who spoke about why cancer prevention is important and also on why he supports studies like CPS3 done to find ways to improve quality of life among the people. Ms. Lizzette Dorado, Director of Special events, American Cancer Society then addressed the public about what the study is all about, why we need more public participation and also about how fruitful the previous studies were in determining what would be a healthy life style for the current generation of people.
People then registered for enrolling into the study and the event concluded with closing remarks from Mr. Vipul Amin.

Nutritional Education
ParamCARE Foundation organized a nutritional education program for people with chronic diseases like, diabetes, hypertension, obesity etc. at its facility in Iselin on 10th March, 2013. Our registered dietician spoke about the need for maintaining a healthy weight through consumption of a balanced diet and performing intentional physical activity for keeping the disease under control. This was followed by a question answer session, when the public opportunity to ask the dietician questions and concerns they had about non-medical management of diseases.
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Focus Group Rape Crisis
ParamCARE Foundation organized a focus group at its facility in Iselin on 15th February, 2013 in partnership with Middlesex County office of Health services – Rape Crisis and Intervention center. The event was conducted for the purpose of obtaining inputs from the community on a possible name change that has been planned for Rape Crisis and Intervention Center and also for improving awareness among the public about the services that are offered by the organization. The participants showed a lot of interest learning about the center and enthusiastically shared their thoughts and ideas on renaming the center.
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