Choose Your Cover

ParamCARE Foundation conducted the annual Choose your Cover, skin cancer awareness and screening event on 22nd June 2013 at the Clark community pool in Clark Township in partnership with Middlesex County office of Health Services – Chronic disease coalition division. The event was also co-sponsored by Union county chronic disease coalition, Cancer Institute of New Jersey and JFK Medical Center. The purpose of the event was to raise awareness in the community on skin cancer, UV protection measures and also for providing free skin cancer screening for interested participants who visited the pool on the event day. People who attended the event were provided free educational materials & DVDs, sunscreen lotions and bottled water. Apart from the younger population a large number of seniors turned up for the event and showed a lot of interest in getting screened and also on getting educated on skin cancer and UV protection measures. Our registered nurses from ParamCARE Foundation provided the skin cancer screening services for the visitors along with education on sun protection measures.

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