Breast Health Workshop
ParamCARE foundation organized a Breast Cancer Awareness program in Iselin, NJ in partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) – Community Health Promotion division on 24thApril 2013.The event was conducted to raise awareness among the public about breast cancer and also to provide information on resources available for free screening mammograms for people who may qualify. RWJUH Breast Care Connection Director Ms. Lynn Lutwin educated the audience about the need for Self breast Examination (SBE) and regular age appropriate screening for early detection and prevention of breast cancer. She also provided information on the incidence, risk factors and role of nutrition and physical activity on cancer prevention. The participants were also taught on how to perform self-breast exam. Our director Mr. Vipul Amin and Councilman Mr. Jim Major spoke about the importance of healthy living and regular screening for staying disease free. The need for more research participation by the public for prevention of cancers in future generations was also emphasized. The program concluded with the raffle and gift basket presentation to the winners by Ms. Mariam Merced, Director of Community Health Promotions, and RWJUH.
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